Saturday, April 4, 2015

Scoop it up!!

Hope you all are having an amazing Saturday morning! Did you know tonight is a full moon and lunar eclipse?! It's suppose to be beautiful so look up and make a wish tonight! I think my wish will be that I can eat dessert for breakfast everyday! Oh wait…that wish has already come true! Yaaay for Nice Cream! I'll have to keep thinking what I want my next wish to be!  
Seriously though I use to eat soooo much ice-cream growing up but then became lactose intolerant! I think my body just one day was like, "Uhhh you're done Coco!"…and then I cried! So, when I discovered nice cream it was like all was right in the world again! :)

This is my simple banana nice cream recipe which is the base to all my other variations I make. I've also included my strawberry nice cream recipes! I mixed the two for a yummy strawberry banana combo! You can eat this anytime of the day but I love having this for breakfast! It's completely all natural and filled with vitamins, minerals and keeps you full for hours! Make it for your kiddos and they will think they are having dessert for breakfast…little do they know it's all fruit and so healthy for them! 

Banana Nice Cream Recipe:

6 frozen bananas
3 pitted dates
1/4 cup almond milk (or more until desired consistency)

Directions: Blend all ingredient in a food processor or high quality blender until you get creamy soft serve ice-cream consistency. Spoon into container and stick into freezer to harden for at least two hour to make "ice-cream scoops" 

*Coco tip- make sure your bananas are VERY ripe before you freeze them. The more ripe the sweeter the mixture!

Strawberry Nice Cream Recipe:

3 frozen bananas
14 frozen strawberries
3 TB almond milk (or more until creamy consistency)

Directions: Blend all ingredients in food processor or high quality blender. Once all blended spoon into container and put in freezer to harden.

Once the mixtures have hardened you can remove from freezer and scoop! Serve both flavors in a cone or bowl and top with your favorite toppings or eat as is! If you don't want to make into scoops you don't have to freeze mixture and can eat right after blending! 

Hope you all have a beautiful day! Truly try incorporating this into your lifestyle! It is so healthy and really hits the spot when you are craving unhealthy sugary sweets! 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Get some Balance!

I don't know about ya all but one of the biggest things I struggle with in my life is balance! Trying to manage work, family, friends, kids, traveling, health, cleaning, laundry, cooking…k you get the picture! It can become very overwhelming real fast! I know that when I take the time to take care of myself I am becoming the best version of me and the best version for everyone else in my life.  

I really really have loved using Balance essential oil. Somedays I just want to dip my entire body in it! haha It has helped me so much with balancing out my hormones and helping me sleep! When I sleep it's like I'm reborn! When I don't…uhhh watch out! lol It also has helped me manage my stress and anxiety which then helps me feel more balanced and ready to take on the day! 

I apply balance to the inside of my wrists, back of my neck and bottom of my feet.  If I have work off I really love using it in my diffuser at home! It is definitely a staple essential oil! I truly believe in natural healing! I use to take prescriptions for anxiety, stress and sleep and some are very unhealthy, can be addictive and have major side effects.

I am so passionate about natural healing with essential oils because I have seen how much it has help me! I am sharing all my oil tips and plant based diet recipes to help anyone who might be struggling the way I did and wants to try a more natural and healthy approach.  If I can help even one person it makes it all worth it! 

Please feel free to email me about anything!

You can also go to to also learn more about these natural oils that have changed my life! 

Hope you all have a beautiful night! 

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